Posts Tagged ‘Frank Guinta’

Carol Shea-Porter an “Enemy of the Taxpayer”

October 11, 2010Brett Bosse

Receives abysmal 2% grade from leading taxpayer advocacy group

Manchester, NH – Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta criticized Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter for still more evidence that she has failed taxpayers throughout her political career. “Congresswoman Shea-Porter received a score of 2 out of a possible 100 points which translates into a grade of ‘F’, a [...]

Home of the Brave

October 9, 2010ChrisBuck

One of our proud Vietnam veterans recently made me aware of a deplorable situation that must be corrected by the next legislature. New Hampshire is the only State in the continental U.S. lacking a full-service veterans hospital (Alaska and Hawaii don’t have one either, but they at least allow veterans to receive medical care [...]

Ayotte, Guinta, and Bass Comment on September Jobs Numbers

October 8, 2010Matt Suermann

Today, the Government announced that the unemployment rate increased to 9.6% and shed 95,000 jobs in the last month.  In reponse to the news, Kelly Ayotte, Frank Guinta, and Charlie Bass issued the following statements.
Kelly Ayotte:

GOP Senate Nominee Calls For Pro-Growth Solutions To Create Jobs

Frank Guinta’s New TV Ad: “Signs a Check”

October 7, 2010Matt Suermann

Does Shea-Porter Agree the Stimulus Was a Waste?

October 6, 2010Brett Bosse

68% of Americans polled believe stimulus was a waste of taxpayer money

Manchester, NH – Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta asked Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter if she agrees with the overwhelming majority of Americans who believe her failed stimulus was a waste of taxpayer money. 68% of those polled by ABC News and the Washington Post [...]

Is Shea-Porter Begging Obama to Stay Away?

October 5, 2010Brett Bosse

Congresswoman desperate to run and hide from big-government agenda

Manchester, NH – Republican Congressional candidate Frank Guinta asked Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter to tell New Hampshire voters if she is begging President Barack Obama to stay away from New Hampshire. The president will come to New England next weekend, stumping for Shea-Porter’s liberal colleagues in Boston.[1] [...]

NRCC Web Video Questions CSP’s Lobbyist Money

October 1, 2010Matt Suermann

UNH Poll: Guinta Up 10, Bass Up 5

September 30, 2010Matt Suermann

Guinta Slams CSP On Voting to Come Home Versus Protecting New Hampshire Taxpayers

September 29, 2010Matt Suermann

Today, the US House of Representatives voted 210-209 to adjourn for the pre election campaign season.  In doing so, the House neglected to act on the extention of the Bush tax cuts.  In response to this vote, Frank Guinta’s campaign released the following statement.

Shea-Porter Abandons New Hampshire Taxpayers
Casts deciding vote that paves way to raise [...]

Guinta Campaign Statement on Consumer Confidence Free-fall

September 28, 2010Brett Bosse

Manchester, NH – This morning the latest Consumer Confidence Index figures were released, and is more bad news for Democratic incumbents like Carol Shea-Porter. The Confidence Board reported consumer confidence fell by nearly nine percent in September, from 53.2 to 48.5.[1] Upon the release of these statistics, Guinta campaign spokesman Brett Bosse offered the [...]

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