Posts Tagged ‘gay-marriage’

Cornerstone Goes After Lynch With New TV and Radio Ads

October 4, 2010Matt Suermann


March 14, 2010Karl Zahn

Our local paper, The Cabinet, last week including a rather scathing editorial, admonishing Milford residents for voting in favor of the Constitutional amendment regarding gay marriage, or more precisely, for voting in favor of letting the people vote on the issue. The writer mentions our “republican” form of government and how it is impractical [...]

Will Lynch repeal gay marriage?

March 6, 2010Amos Tuck

On Friday Gov. John Lynch officially became the John Kerry of the LLC tax issue. He was for it before he was against it.
To the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce Lynch said that those gosh darn accountants have figured out a way for big LLCs to skirt the new tax so he has no choice, [...]

Testerman to run for governor

November 25, 2009Amos Tuck

Conservative activist Karen Testerman said in a blast e-mail message that she will expolore a run for governor. I am not sure if she really means to “explore” or if it is a formality. If she is truly listening I think she will find a conservative audience who will agree with her on many issues, [...]

As Goes Maine?

November 7, 2009Matt Suermann

Medical Marijuana Won’t Cost Taxpayers a Dime

June 29, 2009Matt Simon

HB 648 clearly states that fees must be set to cover all the program’s expenses.

Cline: Sen. D’Allesandro still against gay marriage

June 17, 2009Matt Suermann

Drew Cline has an interesting nugget today on his blog on the UL, Sen. D’Allesandro is still against gay marriage.  But, didn’t he vote to pass the bill and Gov. Lynch’s numerous changes to it eventually?  Sen. D’Allesandro explains:
“Nope, absolutely, I never changed my position. The amendments created a position in which the churches are [...]

Democrats refuse to focus on real problems facing the state

June 9, 2009Tom DeRosa

Kathy Sullivan says that the only thing Republicans will talk about is gay marriage. Yet, when faced with a $400 budget shortfall and how to fix it the Democrats send out press releases not on the budget or economy but you guessed it — gay marriage.
The Republican legislative leadership recently held a news conference to [...]

Gay Marriage? What Gay Marriage? It’s Now In The Dictionary

June 8, 2009steve vaillancourt

Mark my words.  In a few years, people of New Hampshire will be saying that. ”Gay marriage?  What about gay marriage?  What was all the big deal about?”
Gay marriage doesn’t hurt a single straight person nor will it ever.
How can I be so sure?
Those of you who followed my words on the House floor regarding gambling may recall that [...]

Note to Walter Peterson — Gov. Lynch is no leader

June 8, 2009Tom DeRosa

Former Governor Walter Peterson (1969-1973) has opened his mouth. We can have a legitimate debate about whether or not we can continue to call Walter Peterson, the man who continuously went after Mel Thomson, a Republican.

True leadership, as Lynch has again shown, is doing what is in the best interest of all the people of [...]

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