December 13, 2010Matt Suermann
Sunday’s Nashua Telegraph editorial praised Gov. John H. Sununu for his tenure at the NHGOP over the past 2 years. In taken the reins of the NHGOP, he led Republicans back to power and will go out “on top” according to the Telegraph. Here is part of what the Telegraph had to say:
With state Republicans scoring [...]
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Gov. John H Sununu, Nashua Telegraph, NHGOP
November 15, 2010Matt Suermann
The NHGOP and NHDP will soon meet to elect their leaders for the next 2 years, including the pivotal role of Chairman through the 2012 Primary. This past weekend Foster’s stepped into the mix and offered their opinion as to where the 2 parties should go with choosing their next Chair, keep Sununu (or at [...]
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Fosters, Gov. John H Sununu, NHDP, NHGOP, Ray Buckley
October 14, 2010Matt Suermann
Ovide Lamontagne announced today that he will be hosting a rally for the GOP ticket in Manchester on October 26. The invite, which can below, lists the candidates who have been invited and all of the details. You can also RSVP for the event on Facebook.
Check it out and try to make it for this [...]
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Charlie Bass, Election 2010, Frank Guinta, Gov. John H Sununu, Kelly Ayotte, Ovide Lamontagne, Ray Wieczorek
August 30, 2010Matt Suermann
Yesterday, Cornerstone Policy Research purchesed a full page ad in the Union Leader. It once again hits on the same theme of their recent TV ads that point to a number of statements that Binnie has made in the past on and off the stump. The ad can be seen below.
In response to the print [...]
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Bill Binnie, Cornerstone, Gov. John H Sununu, NHGOP, Union Leader, US Senate 2010
August 27, 2010Matt Suermann
This past week, former NH Governor, and current NHGOP Chairman, John H. Sununu reiterated his call that Republican candidates refrain from negative campaigning in an Op Ed which appeared in a number of state papers, including the Union Leader. While it has been well known that Bill Binnie’s campaign has been taking shots on Gov. [...]
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Bill Binnie, Gov. John H Sununu, Kelly Ayotte, US Senate 2010
August 26, 2010Matt Suermann
Today, Gov. John H. Sununu called President to task for his lack of accountability and taking responsibility for the economy.
USA Today has the following money quotes from Gov. Sununu, which came on the same day that Vice President Biden was in town to tout the president’s “Recovery Summer”. Numerous campaigns have also greeted [...]
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Barack Obama, Gov. John H Sununu, Joe Biden, USA Today
August 25, 2010Matt Suermann
This morning former New Hampshire Governor, and current NHGOP Chairman, John H. Sununu penned the following op ed in the Union Leader (print edition only). It reaffirms the party line that candidates should be playing nice and not giving Democrats the ammunition in the General Election. The full op ed is worth the read and [...]
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11th Commandment, Campaign 2010, Gov. John H Sununu
August 17, 2010Matt Suermann
Yesterday, NHGOP Chair and Former New Hampshire Governor John H. Sununu sent the following letter to New Hampshire Gubernatorial and Federal candidates imploring them to run a clean campaign and avoid mudslinging in the final month of the campaign.
Dear Candidate,
I am writing to you and all of the Republican candidates vying for nominations in the [...]
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CD -1 2010, CD-2 2010, Clean Campaigns, Gov. John H Sununu, Governor 2010, US Senate 2010
May 11, 2010Matt Suermann
Today State Chairs of the state Republican parties are meeting in suburban Maryland to discuss the issues facing the party. Included in the meeting was debate over the 2012 Presidential Nomination.
Former NH Governor, and NHGOP Chair John H Sununu probably has the quote of the year when it comes to New Hampshire’s role in the [...]
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2012 NH Primary, Gov. John H Sununu, NHGOP, RNC