September 18, 2010Matt Suermann
Whoever said that John Lynch was unbeatable in 2010 apparently didn’t tell New Hampshire voters. In a survey of 500 likely New Hampshire voters, Rasmussen found that 48% of respondents would vote for John Lynch while 46% would vote for John Stephen. It should be noted that this is the first survey conducted following the [...]
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Governor 2010, John Lynch, John Stephen, Rasmussen
September 16, 2010Matt Suermann
On Tuesday night, Gov. Lynch spoke of putting aside partisan lines and differences and work together. Well, that’s great. Except, Gov. Lynch and the far left Democrat legislature has been unable to even attempt to work across the aisle. In an editorial this morning, the Union Leader takes aim at Lynch for this and the [...]
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Governor 2010, John Lynch, John Stephen
September 13, 2010Matt Suermann
Tomorrow night, supporters will join their candidates to celebrate the end of the Primary election, watch the Primary election returns, and hopefully celebrate a hard earned victory. I’ve compiled the primary night party details here from campaign emails and postings on campaign websites. If you have details for other events please feel free to leave [...]
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CD -1 2010, CD-2 2010, Governor 2010, Primary Day, US Senate 2010
September 13, 2010Matt Suermann
Late last night, the final public poll of the 2010 Republican Primary campaign was released. Giving political junkies the polling data that many have felt has been lacking this campaign. The automated poll conducted by North Carolina polling firm Public Policy Polling of 1,134 likley Republican primary voters on September 11 and 12. The poll [...]
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Governor 2010, polls, PPP, US Senate 2010
September 12, 2010Matt Suermann
For the most part, the Sunday columns were focused on the Tuesday Primary. They also included their predictions from the results on Tuesday night. See below for their predictions. Also, don’t forget to weigh in on the Primary Predition Contest and see how you match up to the political pundits and other Red Hampshire readers.
Be [...]
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CD -1 2010, CD-2 2010, Governor 2010, John DiStaso, Kevin Landrigan, Nashua Telegraph, Predictions, Tom Fahey, Union Leader, US Senate 2010
September 10, 2010Matt Suermann
John Stephen’s campaign for Governor issued the following release today announcing the endorsement of the Portsmouth Herald.
Portsmouth Herald Endorses John Stephen For Governo
MANCHESTER, NH- John Stephen, Republican candidate for Governor, today received the endorsement of the Portsmouth Herald for the Republican nomination as a “true fiscal conservative.” In today’s edition, the newspaper says Stephen “has the resume, the [...]
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endorsement, Governor 2010, John Stephen, Portsmouth Herald
September 8, 2010Matt Suermann
Today, the Nashua Telegraph formally endorsed John Stephen for Governor in the Republican Primary. Here is what the Telegraph had to offer in their endorsement of Stephen for the Republican nomination:
Four Republican candidates are running in next week’s primary election to earn the right to challenge Democratic Gov. John Lynch, who is seeking an historic [...]
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Governor 2010, John Stephen, Nashua Telegraph
September 2, 2010Matt Suermann
The Stephen campaign for Governor issued the following statement on the endorsement of the Laconia Citizen.
Laconia Citizen Endorses John Stephen For Governor
*MANCHESTER, NH-* John Stephen, Republican candidate for Governor, today received the endorsement of The Citizen of Laconia for the Republican nomination for Governor.
In today’s edition, the paper writes that “John Stephen is the Republican [...]
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endorsement, Governor 2010, John Stephen, Laconia Citizen