Posts Tagged ‘Jim Bender’

New Magellan Poll Released in US Senate Primary

September 13, 2010Matt Suermann

This afternoon yet another automated poll was released. This time from Magellan Data and Mapping Service.  DiStaso has the scoop, along with the links to the full poll, below:

CLOSER AND CLOSER. Ovide Lamontagne continues to close in on Kelly Ayotte in the battle for the GOP U.S. Senate nomination.
On the heels of a Sunday night [...]

Portsmouth Herald Endorses Mahoney and Bender

September 12, 2010Matt Suermann

The Portsmouth Herald had a double header endorsement this morning.  Endorseing Sean Mahoney in the CD-1 Primary and Jim Bender in the Senate Primary.  Excerpts from the endorsements are below:
Sean Mahoney:
In a crowded Republican field for U.S. Congress that features four top-tier candidates, the edge goes to New Hampshire small businessman and Portsmouth resident Sean [...]

Ovide Releases Internal Polling

September 10, 2010Matt Suermann

In what will most likely the last poll released before the Primary Election on Tuesday, Ovide has formally released the results of an internal poll.  The general consensus is this matches what other internal polls from other campaigns as well.  As with any poll, especially internal campaign polls, take it with a grain of salt [...]

Bender Claims Victory in Granite State Debate

September 9, 2010Matt Suermann

Following the WMUR/Union Leader Debate, Jim Bender’s campaign issued the following statement.

“Jim for Jobs” clear winner of Republican debate for U.S. Senate
“We’ve got to grab the credit card from our Congress and cut it up!”
Hollis, NH - Businessman Jim Bender was the clear victor in tonight’s Republican debate for the U.S. Senate. Jim proved [...]

Magellan Poll- Ayotte up double digits, Ovide in 2nd

September 3, 2010Grant Bosse

Some results that are sure to get people chattering this weekend. Magellan Strategies, an autodial firm out of Colorado, has Kelly Ayotte with a 13-point lead over Ovide Lamontagne, with Bill Binnie and Jim Bender in the teens:

Ayotte 34%
Lamontagne 21%
Binnie 17%
Bender 13%

Read the full poll here. It surveyed 887 Republicans and independents who intend to vote in the primary. It has all four candidates with remarkably high name ID, which I find surprising given the disparity of TV penetration between the campaigns.

It’s going to be an interesting 11 days.

Fosters Endorses Bender in US Senate Primary

September 1, 2010Matt Suermann

This morning Foster’s Daily Democrat made their choice for the Republican US Senate Primary known, they feel that Jim Bender of Hollis is the best suited to be New Hampshire’s next US Senator.  Here are portions of the endorsement:
It is good news that virtually all the Republican candidates for the United States Senate from New [...]

Bender’s New TV Ad: Jim for Jobs

August 25, 2010Matt Suermann

Alderman Phil Greazzo Endorses Jim Bender

August 24, 2010Matt Suermann

Today, Jim Bender’s campaign for US Senate announced that Manchester Alderman Phil Greazzo has endorsed him for the US Senate.  Here is the release from the campaign:
Hollis, N.H.—Today, the Bender for Senate campaign announced the endorsement of Manchester City Alderman Phil Greazzo.
“I am proud to endorse Jim Bender for US Senate,” said Greazzo. “Jim [...]

Bender Comments on MRC Straw Poll Win

August 23, 2010Matt Suermann

Last night, Jim Bender’s campaign for US Senate issued the following comment on his win at the Manchester Republican Committee straw poll which was held Saturday.

Jim Bender Wins Straw Poll
- The voters want a businessman; the businessman they want is Jim Bender -
Hollis, NH - Today, Jim Bender won the Manchester Republican Committee Straw Poll [...]

Paul Hodes Agrees with Ayotte, Bender, Binnie, and Lamontagne on Mosque

August 17, 2010Matt Suermann

This is a story that should have Dean Barker and the rest over at Blue Hampshire up and arms and confused with Paul Hodes’ latest statement regarding the “Ground Zero Mosque”.  Just yesterday when posting on Harry Reid’s comments saying that a mosque should not be built near Ground Zero
[You Can Add The Senate Majority [...]

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