November 15, 2010Douglas E. Lindner
First of all, congratulations on your victories in 2010. You’ve earned the right to celebrate. For a moment, though, I hope you’ll indulge me in a discussion of a profound responsibility shared by New Hampshire voters of all persuasions: picking Presidents.
Ten years ago, the Iowa Caucus sent you George W. Bush, and you picked John [...]
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2012, George W. Bush, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin
March 14, 2010Matt Suermann
Yesteray, John McCain made his first trip back to NH since the final days of the 2008 campaign. He appeared at a town hall meeting with former NH Attorney General Kelly Ayotte in Nashua yesterday. In response to McCain coming to the state, Ovide Lamontagne released an open letter to McCain and highlighted the letter [...]
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John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, Ovide Lamontagne, US Senate 2010
March 4, 2010Matt Suermann
Today, Kelly Ayotte’s campaign announced the details of the much awaited town hall meeting with Senator John McCain. See below for the details of the event.
Please join
Senator John McCain
Former New Hampshire Attorney General
Kelly Ayotte
For a Town Hall Meeting
Date: Saturday, March 13, 2010
Time: 10:00 AM
Location: Pennichuck Middle School
207 Manchester Street
Nashua, NH [...]
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John McCain, Kelly Ayotte
February 16, 2010Matt Suermann
John DiStaso and James Pindell are both reporting that two time New Hampshire primary winner and 2008 Republican Presidential nominee, will return to the Granite State to stump for Republican Senate candidate Kelly Ayotte. He is slated to attend a fundraiser for Ayotte on March 12 and hold a town hall meeting on March 13 [...]
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fund-raising, John McCain, Kelly Ayotte, US Senate 2010
May 6, 2009Randy Wagoner
I’ve learned something about myself in the aftermath of the recent Presidential election. I’ve learned that I wasn’t a very good voter. Oh sure, I was involved and informed and I voted but I didn’t “GET IT” and a good candidate lost the election. Now I won’t take all the blame, there were probably a lot of other people [...]
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House, John McCain, lessons learned, Voting