March 6, 2010Amos Tuck
On Friday Gov. John Lynch officially became the John Kerry of the LLC tax issue. He was for it before he was against it.
To the Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce Lynch said that those gosh darn accountants have figured out a way for big LLCs to skirt the new tax so he has no choice, [...]
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flip, flip-flop, flip-flop-flip, Friday, gay-marriage, Greater Concord Chamber of Commerce, John Kerry, John Lynch, leadership, LLC Tax, repeal
January 30, 2010Tom Lee
This Saturday Former Governor John Sununu will be moderating the first debate among declared New Hampshire GOP Senate hopefuls at the STEWARD of Prosperity’s Conference on Grassroots Communication.
Every political season, candidates step forward and tell us what they will do if they get elected. The presumption being that once a candidate acquires an elected position, [...]
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GOP Primary, Governor, House, leadership, Senate
November 25, 2009Amos Tuck
Conservative activist Karen Testerman said in a blast e-mail message that she will expolore a run for governor. I am not sure if she really means to “explore” or if it is a formality. If she is truly listening I think she will find a conservative audience who will agree with her on many issues, [...]
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gay-marriage, Gov. John Lynch, Governor, Karen Testerman, leadership, Union Leader
June 17, 2009Tom DeRosa
Governor Sununu was on point yesterday while talking to the Seacoast Republican Women.
“No matter how nice the governor is in terms of personality, he’s unwilling or unable to lead a pack of extremely liberal leadership in the House and Senate who have their own agenda and send whatever they want to the governor,” said Sununu. [...]
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budget, John H. Sununu, John Lynch, leadership, Raymond Buckley, Terrie Norelli
June 8, 2009Tom DeRosa
Former Governor Walter Peterson (1969-1973) has opened his mouth. We can have a legitimate debate about whether or not we can continue to call Walter Peterson, the man who continuously went after Mel Thomson, a Republican.
True leadership, as Lynch has again shown, is doing what is in the best interest of all the people of [...]
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gay-marriage, John Lynch, leadership, Maggie Hassan, Ray Buckley, Terrie Norelli, true leadership, Walter Peterson