October 22, 2010Matt Suermann
Mark this in the surprise of the day column, the Portsmouth Herald has formally endorsed Nancy Stiles over Martha Fuller-Clark for State Senate. This is a major blow to Fuller-Clark and a sign of the times of just how ready for change Granite Staters are, even in districts with a “blue tint”.
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Martha Fuller Clark, Nancy Stiles, Portsmouth Herald, SD-24
June 10, 2010Matt Suermann
It has been a busy past few days at the Secretary of State’s office as candidates for State Senate and Executive Council made the trek to Concord to file for office. Below are the releases from a number of campaigns announcing their entry into the race.
Nancy Stiles SD-24
Rep. Nancy Stiles announces her bid for
Senate District [...]
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Chris Sununu, EC-3, Filing Day, Jim Forsythe, Nancy Stiles, SD-24, SD-4