Posts Tagged ‘New Hampshire’

NH State Rep. involved in Palin controversy decides to run for re-election

September 30, 2010ChrisBuck

In Democratic Party news:  State Rep. Timothy Horrigan, the New Hampshire legislator who made a very off-color remark wishing Sarah Palin dead, has changed his mind and decided to run for State Representative.  He announces this in a letter to the editor in Fosters Daily Democrat, which also takes the opportunity to rant about an [...]

They want your money

September 24, 2010ChrisBuck

Incumbent legislators want to take credit for an economic “turnaround” that just hasn’t happened.  Unemployment is double the normal rate.  Foreclosures in New Hampshire are at record highs, and legislators have the audacity to suggest that just because New Hampshire is not as bad off as other states, that means they have been good stewards [...]

Republican candidates to rally, meet Seacoast voters

August 19, 2010ChrisBuck


Chris Buck, Esq.
Chris Buck for State Representative
Republican candidates to rally, meet Seacoast voters at Dover City Hall and La Festa Brick & Brew
New Hampshire Republicans are unified around principles of limited government, fiscal conservatism.
Dover, NH, August 18, 2010 – Local Republican candidates will gather at Dover’s City Hall steps on Friday, August [...]

John Stephen Within Striking Distance

April 10, 2010Tom Lee

A new Rasmussen Poll released today shows that John Stephen is closing the gap in the race for governor.
John Lynch’s re-elect number stands at a dismal 47%. In the five weeks since Stephen announced his candidacy, his own support has increased.
According to Rasmussen Reports, “New Hampshire Governor John Lynch’s reelection support has dropped below [...]

Granny D was a better US Senate candidate than Paul Hodes will ever be

March 15, 2010Amos Tuck

As Paul Hodes attended a memorial service for Granny D yesterday he could have been thinking “thank goodness she never primaried me.”
Because Hodes surely knows that he could have raised millions more, hired fancy Washington consultants, ran thousands of television ads and the simple truth is Granny D would have crushed him.
Why? She was fundamentally [...]

Prediction: Gambling Will Pass The Senate, But Fail In The House

March 4, 2010steve vaillancourt

Exactly one year from the day that the New Hampshire House voted 295-72 to kill a gambling bill, orange shirts were out in force in Reps Hall as senators lined up to support a very similar bill, sponsored by–you can guess it–Manchester’s Lou D’Allesandro.  The crowd was so large that senators moved the hearing from room 100 to the [...]

“Woodstock Presents…Governor Lynch and the Distracted!”

January 17, 2010D.J. Bettencourt

By D.J. Bettencourt — Few who followed New Hampshire’s economy were sad to watch 2009 pass. The state’s unemployment rate grew to 6.7 percent, a historically high number. The budget ended the year $50 million off projection and the deficit reached approximately $200 million with a $625 million deficit lurking for the next budgetary period when “stimulus” money will no longer be available.

Is CSP afraid of her constituents?

October 16, 2009Matt Suermann

We’ve all saw what transpired this past August Recess to when CSP held Town Hall Meetings and the recent 2005 Bush Town Hall and waffle hat gate episode.  Both of those stories did considerable damage to CSP and showed how politically inept her staff and political operation is and how she is afraid of her [...]

Why Red Hampshire matters

May 5, 2009Bob Clegg

The launch of a new site where issues can be debated discussed is long overdue. While Blue Hampshire has existed for Democratic Party members, there has been a real loss for Republicans looking to simply discuss the way the world is changing.
We should all look to Blue Hampshire to see just how not to [...]

The Old Man: 6 Years later

May 3, 2009Matt Suermann

Its hard to believe that six years ago today The Old Man of the Mountain fell in the dark of night off his perch in Franconia Notch.  For Thousands of years he stood watch over the Granite State and embodied our Live Free or Die mentality.   Its hard to believe how this state has changed [...]

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