Posts Tagged ‘Obama’

Friday Fun: Will These Work on Lynch, Hodes, CSP or Shaheen Stickers Too?

July 23, 2010Matt Suermann

Obama Declares Ostrich As New National Symbol

December 6, 2009Paul Breau

President Obama, uncomfortable with the martial image portrayed by the bald eagle has found a new bird to embody the new, improved America, the ostrich. Following her leader, Lisa Jackson of the EPA has embraced the new symbol with gusto. The ostrich’s claim to fame is that it chooses to bury its head in the [...]

Judd Gregg on Morning Joe

June 11, 2009Tom DeRosa

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Beware of the Obama Czars

June 5, 2009NorthernObserver

This mornings headline in the Wall Street Journal reads;
White House Set to Appoint a Pay Czar
When democrat Senator Robert Byrd gets nervous we should all be nervous.
In a CBS News blog way back in February
Posted by Igor Kossov Senator Byrd was quoted as saying:
“President Obama’s appointment of numerous White House advisors, also called [...]

Bye Bye American Auto Industry

May 19, 2009Tom DeRosa

Today, President Obama announced nation-wide fuel standards. If anyone thinks that this will bring back the American auto industry they are way off. This is the last thing that automakers need — more regulation. The only reason that the auto industry has not been able to make an electric car, hydrogen powered car, etc is [...]

Obama to Seniors: Tough Luck…

May 6, 2009smelebele

It looks like no cost of living increase for Senior Citizens and others on Social Security for the next two years…so despite all this new spending that President Obama is pushing through, it’s not going to help Seniors and in fact, they’re going to have to shoulder more cost (either in direct taxes or indirect [...]

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