Posts Tagged ‘polling’

The One Question that Neither PPP or UNH Seemed to Ask

August 3, 2010Matt Suermann

Last week their was a treasure trove of survey data from the in state UNH Survey Center and North Carolina based Public Policy Polling.  Each poll had its detractors, including prominent political watchers who questioned the oversampling of Democrats in the PPP poll, and the left decrying UNH as usual.  While the numbers have good [...]

Guinta Leads in New CD 1 Poll

December 10, 2009Matt Suermann

As DiStaso teased yesterday, there are new numbers out of the Cross Target poll that first was reported on yesterday with how Sarah Palin was being received in the First District.  Well today he has the results of the CD 1 candidates, and Team Guinta should be breathing a sigh of relief when it comes [...]

CD 1 Republicans Wary of Palin

December 9, 2009Matt Suermann

It appears that while former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin may be drawing huge crowds on her book tour, it appears that Granite Staters in the 1st Congressional District are a little wary of her potential run for President in 2012.  This is according to a poll out today of 543 CD 1 residents by Cross [...]

Dartmouth needs to stay out of the polling business

May 13, 2009Amos Tuck

So the smarty pants folk up at Dartmouth College put together their first poll (in a decade?) and they come out with something that only samples 400 people, comes out way too late to be relevant, and has a sample size that would make even Andy Smith at UNH chuckle.
They find 45 percent of the [...]

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