Posts Tagged ‘Raymond Buckley’

The Unions Are Back

August 11, 2009Tom DeRosa

Anybody that has worked on or volunteered for a Republican campaign in this state is well aware of the presence that unions play at rallys. The media does little to report on their intimidation and fear mongering as they push men and harass women. Senator Shaheen’s campaign was kind enough to bus up some friends [...]

Democrats Organizing Counter-Protest

August 10, 2009Tom DeRosa

Nancy Pelosi claims that those protesting town hall meetings across the country are Un-American swastika carrying idiots. It seems Raymond Buckley would agree with the Speaker as he writes in an email to supporters on the eve of President Obama’s visit to Portsmouth that
Right Wing groups and radical special interests are on the attack, and trying to [...]

Ray Ain’t Got No Money

August 10, 2009Tom DeRosa

The time’s they are a changing. The NH Democrats have shown that they are in the red while the NH GOP is solidly in the black in the most recent FEC filing. Really, no one should be surprised given the way John Lynch and his Team of Democrats led by Raymond Buckley in Concord have [...]

Fosters Demolishes NH Dems Comm Director

July 30, 2009Tom DeRosa

It keeps getting better and better for Republicans in this state. So long as the NH Dems Communication Director, Victoria Bonney, continues to open her mouth and pave the way for victory in 2010. As Foster’s opines today, it’s amateur hour. 
At some point the state Democratic Party is going to have to take the training wheels [...]

Bring On 2010

July 27, 2009Tom DeRosa

In this past Sunday’s “City Hall” column from The Union Leader, Victoria Bonney and the NH Democrats prove, once again, how pathetic they are. No matter how many times you back them into a corner and prove that they have a ridiculous argument they will continue to throw out ludicrous talking points. 
Exhibit A:
Last week a story came out [...]

Thanks for the Hypocrisy

July 24, 2009Tom DeRosa

Today, former New Hampshire Governor and Republican State Committee Chairman John H. Sununu thanked the New Hampshire Democratic Party for embarrassing themselves with their latest desperate attack on a Republican candidate:
“Today the New Hampshire Democratic Party put out another disparaging and dishonest news release attacking one of our outstanding Republican candidates. They seem intent on [...]

Round Two for the Bathroom Bill

July 23, 2009Tom DeRosa

Many will remember the debate and controversy that was stirred last session when House Bill 415 came to the public’s attention. If you need a refresher, HB 415 was the “bathroom bill.” So called because it would allow either sex to use a public restroom.
Overheard in the halls of Concord this week were some state [...]

Dem Spin Machine Falling Apart

July 20, 2009Tom DeRosa

The media assault on Raymond Buckley and his pathetic attacks on Kelly Ayotte keep on coming. The latest comes from Richard Fabrizio, the managing editor of the very liberal Portsmouth Herald. After breaking down the absurd attacks from the left piece by piece, Fabrizio has this to say

So let’s spin the logic Buckley, Sullivan and [...]

Where’s the Money Ray?

July 20, 2009Tom DeRosa

Kevin Landrigan reported that a federal election law complaint has been filed against the NH Dems for failing to properly report $6 million in donations. 
The attorney general’s office has not taken any action on the allegations of Roger Tilton, of Milford, that the party does not properly report how it splits up donations between state and [...]

Democrat Attacks Backfire

July 16, 2009Tom DeRosa

Today, The Union Leader has coined an acronym that I will enjoy using.
Party Chairman Ray Buckley’s ham-handed smearing of Attorney General Kelly Ayotte was outlined in this space last week. His predecessor, Kathy Sullivan, has been a bit more subtle and subdued in her approach, but the result is still laughable and just as transparent.
We [...]

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