November 28, 2010Karl Zahn
Hold on…it’s not a mistake.
I’m not talking about Paleontology, the study of prehistoric life, instead I’m interested in what is apparently a far more interesting science…the study of all things “Palin”.
I anticipated with unbridled glee the debut of the new television series, “Sarah Palin’s Alaska”, and not because I was looking forward to [...]
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Sarah Palin
November 15, 2010Douglas E. Lindner
First of all, congratulations on your victories in 2010. You’ve earned the right to celebrate. For a moment, though, I hope you’ll indulge me in a discussion of a profound responsibility shared by New Hampshire voters of all persuasions: picking Presidents.
Ten years ago, the Iowa Caucus sent you George W. Bush, and you picked John [...]
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2012, George W. Bush, John McCain, Mike Huckabee, Sarah Palin
September 30, 2010ChrisBuck
In Democratic Party news: State Rep. Timothy Horrigan, the New Hampshire legislator who made a very off-color remark wishing Sarah Palin dead, has changed his mind and decided to run for State Representative. He announces this in a letter to the editor in Fosters Daily Democrat, which also takes the opportunity to rant about an [...]
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Democratic Party, Legislator, New Hampshire, politics, Sarah Palin
August 14, 2010Grant Bosse
I was just about to post something thanking Rep. Horrigan for taking responsibility for his stupid, hurtful comments.
And then I found out that he maybe, sorta won’t be stepping down.
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Sarah Palin, Tim Horrigan
August 12, 2010Matt Suermann
It took over 24 hours, a news story that spread from Concord to Anchorage, a mention on Fox News, and denouncements from state Democrats but Keith Hallaron has told WMUR that he will not actively campaign for the NH House.
Halloran at first called the criticism of his comment a “tempest in a tea party tea [...]
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Death Wish, Keith Halloran, NHDP, Sarah Palin, Timothy Horrigan, WMUR
August 12, 2010Matt Suermann
Today, the NHGOP issued the following statement regarding State Rep Timothy Horrigan (D-Durham) comments concerning Sarah Palin on Facebook.
The statement can be found below:
Twice In Two Days: NHGOP Condemns NH Democrats’ Latest Hateful Comments About Governor Palin
CONCORD – The New Hampshire Republican State [...]
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No Comments
NHGOP, Rep. Timothy Horrigan, Sarah Palin
August 12, 2010Matt Suermann
Here is a roundup of the local and national press that wrote on the Halloran comments yesterday.
John DiStaso’s The Granite Status:
THE BIG BLUE CRINGE. Democratic leaders collectively gasped yesterday afternoon when the state Republican Party happily exploited Rindge Democratic legislative candidate Keith David Halloran’s astonishing “death wish” for Sarah Palin and Levi Johnston.
Shortly after midnight [...]
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Keith Halloran, Media Round Up, Sarah Palin
August 12, 2010Matt Suermann
Yesterday will go down as a bad day for New Hampshire Democrats across the board. With stories featured on the Drudge Report, POLITICO, and The Daily Caller featuring the Facebook comments from Democrat State Rep Candidate Keith Halloran. Once his comments went NATIONAL (keep in mind that Red Hampshire CRASHED because of this story. At [...]
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Facebookgate, Keith Halloran, NHDP, Sarah Palin