Posts Tagged ‘Sen. Kelly Ayotte’

NH Congressional Delegation Comments on Obama’s Budget

February 15, 2011Matt Suermann

Yesterday, the Obama Administration sent a Valentine of its own to the US Congress: his budget proposal.  Following the release of the phone book sized documents, the Republican majority of the delegation issued the following statements:
Sen. Kelly Ayotte:

WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today released the following statement [...]

Ayotte Comments on Obamacare Repeal Vote

February 3, 2011Matt Suermann

Last night, Sen. Kelly Ayotte voted to repeal Obamacare.  Following, the partyline vote, Ayotte issued the following statement:

Welcomes Passage of Separate Measure To Eliminate Law’s Burdensome 1099 Tax Filing Requirement
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) today voted for a key measure to move forward on [...]

WMUR Political Scoop: How NH’s Delegation Will Shape the GOP Agenda

January 4, 2011Matt Suermann

Sen.-elect Ayotte Hires Leach

December 8, 2010Matt Suermann

Fresh off of his second tour of duty at the NHGOP, Executive Director Andy Leach has been hired to be Sen.-elect Kelly Ayotte’s Outreach Director.  This is a great hire for Ayotte and great news for Andy as well!  He will be sorely missed at the helm of the NHGOP.  Congrats and it couldn’t have [...]

Senator-Elect Ayotte “Rising Power Player in New Congress”

December 8, 2010Matt Suermann

Real Clear Politics has a top 10 list of the rising power players in the new Congress.  She ranks in at number 3 joining such company as Marco Rubio (#1) and Rob Portman (#5).  Here is the reasoning behind their pick including her being one of only 5 Republican woman Senators, being one of a [...]

Senator-elect Ayotte, Rep.-elect Bass, Senate President Bragdon, and Speaker O’Brien Comment on Sununu Retirement

December 6, 2010Matt Suermann

Following the news that Gov. John H. Sununu would not seek a second term at the helm of the state committee, several of New Hampshire’s newly elected leaders praised Sununu for his tenure at the helm of the party for the past 2 years.  DiStaso has the following from Senator-elect Kelly Ayotte, Rep-Elect Charlie Bass [...]

Ayotte Announces Hiring of Bud Finch as State Director

November 19, 2010Matt Suermann

Yesterday, Sen.-Elect Kelly Ayotte’s office announced that she would  be naming Deputy Attorney General Bud Finch as her State Director.  The full announcement is below.

MANCHESTER, NH – U.S. Senator-elect Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) announced today that Orville “Bud” Fitch, II, of Concord, has agreed to serve as the [...]

Sen.-Elect Ayotte Signs On To Stopping Senate Earmarks

November 9, 2010Matt Suermann

Today, Sen.-elect Kelly Ayotte’s office released the following statement on her stance on earmarks and her support of a ban on earmarks when the Senate reconvenes in January.

First Official Action Reflects Strong Commitment To Stopping Runaway Spending
MANCHESTER, NH – U.S. Senator-elect Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) announced today that [...]

Senator-elect Ayotte Named Republican Rising Star

November 8, 2010Matt Suermann

The voters of New Hampshire know Kelly Ayotte both from her tenure as Attorney General and now as New Hampshire’s Senator.  Now she is being named by The Daily Caller as a Republican Rising Star that you don’t know about.  Here is what they had to say about her and her rising stock in New [...]

Senator-Elect Ayotte Named Top “Winner” of 2010 Election

November 4, 2010Matt Suermann

US News and World Report’s Washington Whispers has named Senator-elect Kelly Ayotte as the top winner of Tuesday’s election.  She joins Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX), Gov. Haley Barbour (R-MS), Sarah Palin and likely House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) as winners.  Here is what had to say about her win yesterday:
1. New Hampshire Sen.-elect Kelly Ayotte. [...]

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