October 7, 2010ChrisBuck
As chilling a tale as ever was told,
Of the budget crisis and State property sold.
While trillions of dollars were spent by the feds,
The legislators in Concord starting loosing their heads.
Ghoulishly cackling, they taxed and they taxed,
While thousands of workers were given the axe.
Still more looked for work, with none to be found,
as Lynch and the [...]
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Chris Buck, Dover NH, Halloween, Republicans, spending, Taxes
December 10, 2009Matt Suermann
It looks the NRSC may have found one of their lines of attack on Paul Hodes in the 2010 US Senate race to replace Sen. Gregg. Its an attack that should be fairly sustained in the coming months and a fiscal message that has worked in New Hampshire in the past and one that should [...]
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federal deficit, NRSC, Paul Hodes, spending, US Senate 2010
July 14, 2009Tom DeRosa
Sen. Gregg on the news that the federal deficit has hit $1 trillion:
“Only nine months into the fiscal year, the U.S. Treasury Department today announced that the federal deficit has hit $1 trillion for the first time ever. While I wish this shocking milestone was both unexpected and temporary, it is neither. Instead, under the [...]
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Barack Obama, federal deficit, Judd Gregg, spending
June 22, 2009Jeb Bradley
After two marathon weeks of discussions between House and Senate
members charged with negotiating a budget, early Friday morning a package
emerged. Its fate is uncertain as the full House and Senate must pass
it before it reaches Governor Lynch for signature. Counting votes before the
June [...]
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budget, Income Tax, John Lynch, rooms and meals tax, spending, tobacco tax
June 14, 2009Amos Tuck
While there is plenty of hand-wringing over the “soul” of the Republican Party” or the “path forward” it is becoming increasingly obvious that those conversations — while important — might be irrelevant in 2010.
Obama is spending so much money, taxes will increase so much, that being “the party of no” might be good enough. Voters [...]
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2010 elections, Barack Obama, Carol Shea-Porter, GOP future, mid-term elections, NH-1, spending, Taxes
June 11, 2009Jennifer Horn
Earlier this week President Obama announced a return to the so-called PAYGO policies that require Congress to find cuts in spending to match any increases suggested.
First, isn’t it easy for the President to suggest this after he has spent over a trillion dollars in less than six months?
Second, there is a provision in [...]
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Congress, deficit, Hodes, Jennifer Horn, PAYGO, President, Shea-Porter, spending
June 7, 2009Jennifer Horn
Our beloved state appears to have come down with a case “the spends.”
Perhaps our senators and representatives caught it from Reps. Hodes and Shea-Porter, who lovingly look at the stimulus package as “just the beginning.”
Our State Constitution requires that we pass a balanced budget, but none of the budgets proposed so [...]
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Add new tag, budget, Charlie Arlinghaus, Jennifer Horn, spending