Posts Tagged ‘State Senate’

Bragdon Announces Senate Committee Chairs and Assignments

December 10, 2010Matt Suermann

Senate President Peter Bragdon (R-Milford) announced who will be leading the various committees in the State Senate for the next session.  A link to the full committee assignments is also below.

CONCORD – Senate President Peter Bragdon announced today the appointments of the Senate’s committee chairmen for the 2011-2012 session.
The Senate Finance [...]

Senate President Bragdon Promises Reforms in the State Senate

December 9, 2010Matt Suermann

Senate President Peter Bragdon (R-Milford) issued the following release today announcing reforms that he will be undertaking to trim the fat in the State Senate.  The press release is as follows:

CONCORD – Senate President Peter Bragdon said today he recognizes the need to reduce state spending, starting with [...]

Prediction Round Up: Republican Riptide Is Coming

October 31, 2010Matt Suermann

With only 48 hours to go until Granite Staters head to the polls, the State’s key political reporters (DiStaso, Landrigan, and Fahey) offered their predictions for Election Day.  For the most part, their predictions show great news for Republicans statewide.  All agree that Ayotte and Guinta are shoo ins, that Gov. Lynch still has a [...]

Lambert Takes on Lasky and Spending

October 21, 2010Matt Suermann

State Senate Candidate Gary Lambert issued the following release calling on State Senator Bette Lasky to stop spending and vote against a budget that increases state spending.  Great call on his part and is exactly what we need in Concord these days.

Lambert Challenges Lasky to STOP Spending
Lambert: “I ask Bette Lasky to join me in [...]

Lambert to Lasky: Debate Me

October 8, 2010Matt Suermann

Kudos to Gary Lambert for challenging State Senator Bette Lasky to a series of 3 debates in order to better educated the voters of their district.  The letter below challenges Lasky to face the voters in a series of debates.  Will Lasky actually face the voters?  It will be interesting to see how she responds.

Letter [...]

NHGOP and Sanborn Campaign Denounce Push Polls in State Senate Races

September 22, 2010Matt Suermann

Both the NHGOP and Sanborn for State Senate campaign issued press releases today calling on State Senate Democrat candidates to denounce the illegal and misleading push polls.  You know things are going bad when they resort to these calls this early in the campaign.
Sanborn Campaign:

Sanborns Blasts Tremblay on Smear Campaign, NH Voters Disgusted in Her [...]

NHGOP Comments on Dirty Tricks in Hooksett

September 17, 2010Matt Suermann

This afternoon the NHGOP issued the following statement regarding alleged dirty tricks in Hooksett and called on State Senate Candidate Kelley to denoucnce the theft of political signs from private property.   The statement can be found below.

CONCORD – The New Hampshire Republican Party today called on [...]

State House and Senate Dems Should Ask for a Refund

June 25, 2010Matt Suermann

Earlier this week, NH PACs were required to file with the Secretary of State’s office their receipts and expenditures.  The Concord Monitor today has a story covering how the Democrats raised and spent more money then Republicans in this report.  They also looked a number of curious transfers from the Democrat House and Senate PACs [...]

Rep. David Boutin Running for Gatsas’ Senate Seat, Gatsas for Mayor - Here’s How We Get them Both Elected

June 9, 2009JR Gagne

In a November Mayoral/State Senate election, Gatsas would serve as a strong top-of-the-ticket candidate to bring out the conservative base in Manchester. “Lazy” Republicans that don’t know Rep. Boutin will likely cast a vote for him - though they are far less likely to get out to vote for him in a spring special election. It’s a double whammy, and its the only sure fire way of the GOP holding onto both SD16 and the Mayor’s office.

Just as easily it could be: New Spending = New Taxes = Job Losses.

June 6, 2009Jeb Bradley

The budget approved by the majority of the New Hampshire Senate proposes to increase total spending by $1.2 billion! That’s on top of a similar spending increase from the prior budget to the current budget of $1 billion. It’s noteworthy these precipitous spending increases coincide with one party political rule in [...]

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