August 5, 2009Tom DeRosa
In today’s Laconia Citizen Jenn Coffey makes short work of NH Dems Communication Director Victoria Bonney. At issues is a statement that Ms. Bonney made claiming in 2010 that the voters will be “saying that in the worst recession in decades Gov. Lynch and Democrats in the Legislature were able to craft a responsible budget [...]
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2009 recession, 2010 elections, budget, Jenn Coffey, taxes and fees, Victoria Bonney
July 30, 2009Tom DeRosa
It keeps getting better and better for Republicans in this state. So long as the NH Dems Communication Director, Victoria Bonney, continues to open her mouth and pave the way for victory in 2010. As Foster’s opines today, it’s amateur hour.
At some point the state Democratic Party is going to have to take the training wheels [...]
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John H. Sununu, Kelly Ayotte, Raymond Buckley, Victoria Bonney
July 27, 2009Tom DeRosa
Raymond Buckley has penned an op-ed in today’s Concord Monitor where he continues to throw lies into the wind and attempts to create a political fight that is not happening.
Buckley starts out:
It’s time for John H. Sununu to get over it. His son lost. Sununu has been running around the state attempting to rewrite history, [...]
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bring on 2010, Democrat Hypocracy, John H. Sununu, John Lynch, JUA, That's silly Ray, Victoria Bonney
July 27, 2009Tom DeRosa
In this past Sunday’s “City Hall” column from The Union Leader, Victoria Bonney and the NH Democrats prove, once again, how pathetic they are. No matter how many times you back them into a corner and prove that they have a ridiculous argument they will continue to throw out ludicrous talking points.
Exhibit A:
Last week a story came out [...]
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Barack Obama, bring on 2010, Frank Guinta, George Bush, New Hampshire Democrat Party, Raymond Buckley, Victoria Bonney
July 20, 2009Tom DeRosa
The media assault on Raymond Buckley and his pathetic attacks on Kelly Ayotte keep on coming. The latest comes from Richard Fabrizio, the managing editor of the very liberal Portsmouth Herald. After breaking down the absurd attacks from the left piece by piece, Fabrizio has this to say
So let’s spin the logic Buckley, Sullivan and [...]
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Kelly Ayotte, Raymond Buckley, Richard Fabrizio, US Senate 2010, Victoria Bonney
May 27, 2009Tom DeRosa
Ray Buckley and the NH Democrats spin machine is broken. There’s nothing wrong with good ol’ fashioned spin but when it becomes lies and blatant distortions, that’s when you know desperation has kicked in.
Into the annals of oops will go the Democratic press release in which spokeswoman Victoria Bonney highlighted a Foster’s story about a supposed [...]
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Carol Shea-Porter, gay marrige, John Lynch, NH Democrats, Paul Hodes, Ray Buckley, traditional marriage, Victoria Bonney
May 20, 2009Tom DeRosa
In a statement released today, Democrat Party Communications Director Victoria Bonney falsely accused Foster’s of reporting that New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman John Sununu was skipping a Republican National Committee meeting this week in Maryland. However, Foster’s story clearly states that Governor Sununu has been at the meeting since Monday:
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Democrat lies, Foster's Daily Democrat, John H. Sununu, NH GOP, NHDP, Ryan Williams, Victoria Bonney