The Fix Friday Line: NH CD1 right in the mix
June 12, 2009Chris “The Fix” Cillizza of The Washington Post once again has listed the NH CD1 race as number 4 in the top 10 House races to switch parties.
4. New Hampshire’s 1st district (D): The combination of one of the most vulnerable Democratic incumbents in the country — Rep. Carol Shea Porter — and an early recruiting success for Republicans in the form of Manchester Mayor Frank Guinta make this seat a major opportunity for the GOP. Of the two New Hampshire House seats, this is the more competitive and Republicans are already gearing up to make a major push. (Previous ranking: 4)
While the race is still in the very early stages, this once again shows how national attention may be turning to the Granite State once again for a competitive Congressional race. It is also showing how even the national media sees Carol Shea-Porter is a vulnerable incumbent and a success story in the NRCC recruiting campaign. Lets hope that the candidates, including Guinta and Bestani, are able to capitalize on Shea-Porter’s weaknesses and push CD1 back into the Republican column. That being said, Republicans have an opportunity and shouldn’t waste the opportunity to show the Republican comeback has begun and that it is starting right here in New Hampshire with CD1.
Jennifer Horn
Jun 12, 2009
Don’t under-estimate our ability to win back the 2nd CD! The national pundits have written it off as blue-blue-blue to the core, but they are wrong-wrong-wrong as could be!