The Fox and Henhouse

July 25, 2010Karl Zahn

Once upon a time…well…never mind. We all know the old adage about hiring the fox to guard the henhouse. The old saying must have been created especially for this occasion though, because we’ve never had a bigger fox guarding more hens than we’re about to have now.

Last week, the President signed to law the new Financial Reform bill that will, in theory, provide more strict government oversight of the financial zealots on Wall Street. Let me be the first to admit that something needs to be done, for sure. In the wake of the financial meltdown of Lehman Brothers, AIG, the auto industry, and Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae, one not need be a rocket scientist to see that something is wrong. Let me also admit here that I believe in free markets, trade and capitalism. I don’t believe, however, that there are many people who need or could possibly earn some of the outrageous bonuses and compensation packages that have become the norm over the last several decades.

By and large, these are not people who have demonstrated some remarkable business savvy in the private sector. It’s Hedge Funds and Annuities, trading on futures and speculation, and in essence nothing more than a gargantuan and complex shell game. When thousands of Americans who had invested conservatively, saved money, planned a retirement…and then lost every dime to the likes of Bernie Madoff…something is dreadfully wrong. It’s not unlike the health care system, also broken and complex beyond need. It needs to be fixed. What is remarkable is not so much that something is broken…but who we repeatedly send in to fix it.

The notion of the federal government nominating itself to be the regulator of the private sector financial world is exactly like the fox voting himself head of security in the chicken division. The chickens would protest and be astonished. But most Americans don’t even blink at the absurdity of what has just happened.

Yes…the same strict government that already had a Securities and Exchange Commission in place during the financial meltdown. The same SEC that ignored repeated warnings from outside sources that Madoff was operating a huge Ponzi scheme. Even with smart, legitimate people coming right to their desk with proof, they still did nothing to investigate or stop Madoff. We heard Barney Frank tell us how Freddie Mac and Fanny Mae were solid, literally weeks before both institutions imploded taking an entire housing and mortgage industry with them.

Now, these same people have written another 2,000 pages of law, that will be enforced, I’m sure, with the same strident vigor as the last 2,000 pages were. In other words, not at all.

Who is more corrupt with the public checkbook than our own politicians? The same folks who spent 3 million bucks to study shrimp reproduction. Just another day in the pork barrel. And you know how this stuff works. Some Senator somewhere has a nephew that “had a landscaping business, then he got into the blow and the next thing you know he’s bankrupt. So…I bought him a boat, a snorkel and a clipboard and told him to go watch shrimps-gone-wild for a couple of years and take some notes…”. Don’t laugh, this is exactly how pork works, or doesn’t work, more accurately.

This is the same government that, as part of the stimulus bill, spent 15 million dollars to build an underground tunnel for turtles to pass under a highway in Florida. For 15 million bucks I’ll spend the next twenty years down there carrying the turtles across the highway on a velvet pillow. How come I don’t have an uncle in Washington?

Never mind the fox, none of the above even addresses what the real intent of this law is. I’m surprised there weren’t more “slippery slope” calls during all of this, because this is a Black Diamond Trail for sure. It will be a much shorter leap now to the European model of income redistribution, a government cap on personal income, and a general one-size-fits-all approach to our economy. One size, that is, for the working class. The folks in Washington won’t be buying off the rack anytime soon.

Every American should wince at the prospect of the government controlling Wall Street. Companies that allow huge bonuses to CEO’s who are mediocre at the expense of their stockholders and customers should be punished, but not by the government. They should see their business dwindle and die as the customers stop buying their product, and turn to a competitor who operates a tighter ship. But the notion of our government, that hasn’t seen a balanced checkbook in decades, is going to fix this problem is….well…like hiring the fox to guard the henhouse.

Karl Zahn

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5 Responses to “The Fox and Henhouse”

  1. Author

    [...] This post was Twitted by RedHampshire [...]

  2. Author

    Yes, a socialistic style government is the Fox where more government is the answer, and Barney Frank by and large was sitting at the controls of Freddie and Fannie when it went down and he is still at the controls as co-writer of this bill. So why is Barney still in charge?
    If we are as successful as I hope we are, one of my goals it to make Barney
    gone from control of as much as possible in Government along with Obama, Reid and Pelosi.
    Note: Sharron Angle of Nevada needs your help to remove Harry
    Obamacare Reid from the Government. I just donated more of the money I don’t have. Please Help Sharron!

  3. Author

    …finally, another racist, xenophobe. You state the convenient facts that most choose to ignore. Yes…more Barney Frank…that’s what we need. Incredible, isn’t it? I will help Sharon with the money I don’t have, as well. November is a turning point, and for sure, Reid needs to go.

  4. Author

    Your Zeitgeist is much appreciated Karl,
    I can hear some now, I can’t afford the 5 or 10 bucks to send to Sharron as I won’t have enough for my three dollar latte every morning. No problem! Get those latte’s! Then Obama with the critical help of Harry Reid in the next four years he can tax your overweight BMI ( Body Mass Index) till the cows come home and inform you via, the death panel, that you were promise you were never going to have, that you have exceeded the dollar value you are worth to the government to pay more taxes.
    Yea so, don’t fire Harry? What is just one guy anyway! Huh! Oh if he does leave office as a result or Sharron Angle beating him, can we please ask Obama for the Six Billion dollar train money from the Stimulus back. You know the train from that xenophobic town in California to the kraznaya district of Las Vegas.

  5. Author

    I would be reluctant to get on any train that Obama built, for fear of the final destination not being the same as outlined in the travel brochure. In the end, whether the money is recovered or not, we’ll never see it. Remember Palin, as Governor, sent a check for $1,200.00 to every taxpayer…money she recovered from the oil companies after drying up a decades-old chain of corruption between state politicians and oil execs. I remember thinking after hearing that…when was the last time a state or federal government did that? “Here’s the money back that never should have been taken from you in the first place”. Yes…compare that to Reid & Pelosi. I’ll send Sharon whatever I can and thank her too, for stepping up in a time of need.


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