The Truth About Halter’s Visit to Nashua
October 7, 2010Bill Halter the liberal Lt. Governor of Arkansas who challenged incumbent Democrat Senator Blanche Lincoln in her primary earlier this year is in NH today for Halter and are hosting a press conference denouncing the activity of outside organizations in elections and what they call “deceptive” advertising.
But it was Halter and his Big Labor allies who were accused of the deceptive advertising in his most recent run for the Senate. This is what said about ads the Halter campaign ran:
Halter’s Ad: Misleading Senior Voters
In the final week of Arkansas’ June 8 runoff campaign for the Democratic Senate nomination, Lt. Gov. Bill Halter is running a misleading ad against Sen. Blanche Lincoln that accuses her of “cutting Social Security” and threatening to cut Medicare and Social Security in the future.
Halter Questioned On Misleading TV Ad
In an MSNBC interview today — the day of the June 8 Democratic primary runoff in Arkansas — Lt. Gov. Bill Halter was questioned about a TV ad that we here at said made misleading claims about Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s position on Social Security cuts.
Halter’s Ad: Misleading Senior Voters
In the final week of Arkansas’ June 8 runoff campaign for the Democratic Senate nomination, Lt. Gov. Bill Halter is running a misleading ad against Sen. Blanche Lincoln that accuses her of “cutting Social Security” and threatening to cut Medicare and Social Security in the future…But her words were taken out of context.
Halter’s campaign relied heavily on millions of dollars in 3rd party advertising by the SEIU, AFSCME, and the AFL-CIO. The non-partisan said that like the Halter campaign ads they also were false.
Labor Falsely Attacks Lincoln. Again.
Two union groups are too slick in their claims about the Arkansas senator and oil companies.
The Service Employees International Union continues to play fast and loose with its facts in this extended campaign.
What did other Democrats say about the multimillion dollar Halter/Union smear campaign? An Obama White House official told Ben Smith at Politico, “Organized labor just flushed $10 million of their members’ money down the toilet on a pointless exercise.”
Samuel Johnson
Oct 7, 2010
MoveOn.Org is nothing but a sham front group for George Soros and other corrupt billionaires.
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Oct 7, 2010
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