UL Ed Page Enters NHGOP Chairman’s Race

January 2, 2011Matt Suermann

In a somewhat surprising move, the editorial page of the Union Leader entered the fray of the Chairman’s race to replace Gov. John H. Sununu at the helm of the NHGOP with a scathing editorial against one time Gubernatorial hopeful Jack Kimball.  With the editorial, the UL will sure to make some in the Tea Party upset and continue the conversation over the next 2 years within the Party. The editorial, which focuses on a press release issued by Kimball and is sure to open the conversation on what Jack Kimball has done for the Party before his longshot bid for Governor which failed to gain the support of the Tea Parties across the state or accumulate a war chest that could compete with John Stephen.

Quick, name “the leading conservative” in New Hampshire.

Time’s up. Did the name Jack Kimball spring immediately to mind?

Well, it did in Jack’s mind. He identified himself as such in a recent press release reporting himself pleased to announce that he seeks the chairmanship of the New Hampshire Republican Party.


Actually, quite a few names come to mind before Kimball’s, and considering how important they all are and will be in helping Sununu’s successor, whoever that is, Kimball might want to keep this in mind:

Jack be nimble.

Jack be quick.

Jack, get over yourself.

Matt Suermann

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