UL Endorses Ayotte for Senate
October 14, 2010This morning, the Union Leader formally endorsed Kelly Ayotte for US Senate this morning, noting her service as attorney general and also the stark choice that Granite Staters have in November.
Rep. Paul Hodes, challenging Ayotte for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Sen. Judd Gregg, has seen Ayotte’s record and realized that she has a much easier time defending hers than he has defending his. So he’s doing everything he can to make voters believe things about her that aren’t true.
But the voters aren’t buying Hodes’ lies about Ayotte. The people of New Hampshire can see that Ayotte is a centrist Republican, not the scary extremist Hodes desperately claims she is. They can see, too, that she has handled herself well in her first run for public office. She has weathered all sorts of vicious personal attacks, from both Republicans and Democrats, with grace and surprising cheerfulness, traits that will serve her well in the rough-and-tumble world of Washington.
While its not a big surprise that the UL endorsed Ayotte, it is still a powerful endorsement and helps to set the stage for the narrative that Hodes is wrong for New Hampshire and is running a campaign unbecoming Congressman or a potential US Senator.
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Oct 14, 2010
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