Union Leader Endorses Horn in CD-2

August 26, 2010Matt Suermann

This morning, the Union Leader endorsement series continued with the 2nd Congressional District.  Parts of the endorsement can be found below:

In New Hampshire’s 2nd Congressional District, Republican and independent voters are looking for a candidate who will be a dependable, independent voice — and vote — for limited government, lower spending and a growth-friendly tax policy. That candidate is Jennifer Horn.

In this “year of the outsider,” Horn is the candidate who truly embodies what voters say they are looking for. She is a fiscal conservative (also solid on social issues) who has never held elective office, but has paid close attention to local, state and national politics for years.


A charming trait of Jennifer Horn’s is that she criticizes her own party almost as much as she does the Democrats, and she was doing that years before the Tea Party movement arose. She is no GOP apologist, and her vote will never be controlled by party bosses.

Matt Suermann

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