What is Red Hampshire?
May 1, 2009Red Hampshire stresses the group and building a community of New Hampshire Republicans. In this way we are different from other state-based conservative blogs that are primarily the voices of individuals. We love those sites, but at a time when party members discuss the way forward we hope to provide a place for for the group to engage on local issues and campaigns. It is our intention to post regularly and daily mostly on local issues and from a right-leaning perspective.
How does it work?
To do anything other than read the site one must be a registered user. A registered user can create posts and comment on others. Registration is free and the sign-up page is here. Not all users are created equal. A basic user can create an article and it will appear on the right hand side of the page. A much smaller group will be invited to consistently write on the main center section. Articles that the site moderators find particularly interesting or useful can be promoted to the center section or the “suggested reading” section higher up in the right rail. For more details you can read our terms of use, user guide, and posting/comment rules.
The site’s founder is Tom DeRosa, the former NHGOP Political Director. All questions can be sent to tom@redhampshire.com.
Action plan for new users:
1. Click around and check out the site
2. Sign up as a registered user
3. Comment on a post
4. Write a post
5. Consider supporting the site by advertising
May 5, 2009
I, for one am glad you guys launched this. I’ve got NHRedvolution.com and NHRed.com to play with, but now that this site exists, this’ll give me a lot more free time to devote to say, helping return Plymouth red again :)
Thanks for all the work you guys did on this.
NH Young Republicans
Northern Region Vice-Chair
May 6, 2009
I second that.
steve vaillancourt
May 6, 2009
I’ve never been censored on blue hampshire…strange that I would be by a Republican site; really makes me wonder about freedom of speech and the
Amos Tuck
May 7, 2009
Steve: Obviously you haven’t been censored since all of your comments appear on the site (or I assume all have). If there is a verification process (like the Union Leader) that it is probably to prevent the site from becoming another NH Insider.
May 15, 2009
Steve, you may not have every been censored on BlueHampshire.com but I have. I openly admit I’m a registered republican and have been honest with them about my views. On a few occasions however when I’ve pointed out logical flaws in their arguments or pointed to hypocrisy in which members of the Democratic party have said one thing and done another my posts disappear. I was told that if any two members rate a post with a “0″ rating it “hides” it. Since they disagree with my views they’ve rated me “0″ a few times essentially censoring me.
I hope this site does not do that to anyone. I’ve often felt that the strength of the GOP is that they can back their arguments up with logic and reason and they aren’t afraid to even point out when their own side is wrong. By allowing decenting views to be expressed here it will show why the GOP is a better over all party.
On a side note, I really think those who run this site should look at joining in the blog ring on http://www.blognetnews.com/new_hampshire/ to gain a little additional exposure.
steve vaillancourt
May 15, 2009
That was then; this is now. I have been informed that my access to Blue Hampshire has now been curtailed. Isn’t this amazing? A web site that claims to be “progressive” is now censoring people. Isn’t that special!! Kind of like when Woodrow Wilson, arguably the worst President of all time, claimed to be a progressive while he was rounding up and imprisoning his political opponents at the same time, not to mention invading Mexico a half dozen times and setting the pace for Hitler by going back on his 14 Points at Versailles.
I hear this vile Dean person who started blueh is a teacher. Isn’t that great, someone educating our children who believes in freedom of speech only if you agree with him.
No wonder society is going to hell…
Steve V (still on here)
Vis Unita Fortior
May 15, 2009
lildog - Just to let you know, what you’re describing there when people flag your comments on Blue Hampshire: it doesn’t mean that your comments disappear completely, it just means that they are no longer visible to the general public. Comments flagged that way are only visible to people logged in to the site, as best as I can tell. People may actually have continued responding to your comment but you couldn’t see it.
I was pretty confused about that at first because you end up with people referencing comments you can’t see and you wonder if you’re going crazy. I think they probably ought to do something so that a placeholder for the comment is still visible and you just have to click on it or something to be able to read it.
Steve V, I thought I saw Dean say something about that but I wasn’t totally clear that he was talking about you. So, are you unable to post to BH at all? What does “curtailed” mean?
I should also say that I’ve been quite impressed with the wide variety of opinion that Tom has been embracing here on RedHampshire. Definitely lives up to the “We need a conversation” tagline above IMO.
steve vaillancourt
May 15, 2009
Actually I was told by Jim Splaine that I’ve been denied access to the site (my password I presumed); I haven’t tried and don’t plan to. Believe it or not, I don’t usually go to these sites and have been busy here, so I was planning to top with blue anyway, but I assume they have the technology to do whatever they want…Hitler had technology to kill millions of people, and we’re way advanced in technology since then, so I’m sure Dean has technology to shut me up. He should be proud of that! Ha! Only saving grace is that the site is bascially left wing loonies talking to themselves anyway.
Vis Unita Fortior
May 15, 2009
Well that’s not cool. You should have to do something way more than expressing your views to get banned from a site and from what I can see here Steve what you do is express your views. You do that stridently and brashly but I say more power to ya!
Jul 2, 2009
Hey Tom,
You realize that BlueHampshire is a play on words of “New Hampshire” right?
Which means Red Hampshire doesn’t make any sense!
Vis Unita Fortior
Jul 3, 2009
“Does not rhyme” and “does not make any sense” aren’t the same thing. They both sound like they’re talking about Hampshire in the U.K., anyways.