Why Aren’t National Dems Coming to Help Lynch?

September 24, 2010Matt Suermann

Ever since John Stephen won the GOP nomination prominent National Republicans, many of them potential 2012 Presidential candidates, have flocked to support his candidacy both by opening their wallets and also by traveling to New Hampshire for fundraisers.  Those who have scheduled fundraisers include, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, RGA Chairman Haley Barbour, and Massachusetts Sen. (and Rye home owner) Scott Brown.  All in all this is great news for Stephen’s campaign who will be able to add imensely to his already flush campaign war chest.  What is more puzzling, is how the Dems are apparently avoiding Gov. Lynch.  Consider this news from yesterday’s Granite Status:

The Status has learned that the VP will be in Manchester approximately at mid-day on Monday for a joint fund-raiser on behalf of not only Rep. Carol Shea-Porter, but also for U.S. Senate candidate and Rep. Paul Hodes, Ann McLane Kuster, who is running for the 2nd District U.S. House seat being vacated by Hodes, and the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s Coordinated Campaign.

Biden last visited the state about a month ago, visiting Manchester with Hodes and Shea-Porter, who is seeking a third term representing the 1st District, to praise the federal stimulus program.

Biden’s visit will come a day after former President Bill Clinton hosts an intimate fund-raiser in Boston on Sunday for the state Senate Democratic Caucus PAC. Senate President Sylvia Larsen, who heads the caucus and chairs the PAC, has been a longtime Bill and Hillary Clinton supporter.

Notice a name that is conspicuously absent from that list?  Yup, one Gov. John Lynch.  Considering that a recent analysis shows that the RGA NH PAC and John Stephen has a $100k advantage over the DGA and Lynch, one would think that National Democrats would be adding Lynch to their list of candidates that they are already coming to the state for.  There are 2 reasons why they may not becoming to his aid.

  1. They simply don’t owe him any favors or feel that he needs their money.  With a personal fortune, its a case where he can always right a check, like the $500,000 check he cut to keep his campaign afloat.  While, he may not need the money, it is an opportunity to get some press for your campaign with a prominent figure.  Unless of course, it was Lynch who doesn’t want anything to do with those national figures.
  2. The other option, is that Lynch sees the national folks (Biden and Clinton) as politically toxic and especially in the case of Vice President Biden.  Could it be that Lynch is more obsessed with another 2 year term that he is looking to avoid at all costs national Democrats, who polls show are not at all popular with Independent voters.

In either case, it is interesting that Lynch is being left on his own while Stephen is reaping the beneifts, which will allow him to have positive press stories and also a bump in his campaign war chest.

    Matt Suermann

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    2 Responses to “Why Aren’t National Dems Coming to Help Lynch?”

    1. Author

      Lynch can’t avoid his connection with Obama — he did the same things — raised 100 new taxes and created a huge deficit…… not one bit of difference in the two of them… and still looking for more tax raises!

    2. Author

      [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Red Hampshire, Sue L. Sue L said: Reading: "RedHampshire.com » Why Aren’t National Dems Coming to Help Lynch?"( http://twitthis.com/stvcxz ) [...]


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