Wild Kingdom

July 11, 2010Karl Zahn

If you’re my age you probably remember Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdom, a television series about wildlife. Too bad the host, Marlin Perkins, wasn’t around, because we’ve got a whole new “Wild Kingdom” to talk about and you don’t need to go to the Serengeti to see it.

I’ve written before how astonishing our current administration is, without a week going by that some new mind-boggling decision, non-decision, or legislative initiative is hoisted into the dust cloud of failure that is engulfing them. The lawsuit against Arizona, despite nearly 70% of the population supporting the new Arizona law is one of the latest examples. Folks were quick to jump on McCain as having political motives when he hardened his view on the Arizona border, but our President stops just short of administering a personal back rub to every illegal immigrant, and suffers barely a whisper from the “Press”. Not coddling that Hispanic vote are you? The motivation could not be more flagrant. And, Obama seems oddly removed from any concern about public perception of his performance or motives.

He continues to seemingly ignore the Gulf Oil Spill, and by the way, we can stop calling that a “spill” anytime now. A “spill” is a glass of milk, not an oil slick the size of Kansas. The country should expect weekly briefings from him with regards to the world’s largest environmental disaster. Of course, there would be nothing to report, because there has been no leadership from the White House on this. No commands coming from the command post. They have dispatched lawyers, instead of drilling and clean-up experts and have hampered, stalled or denied every effort by the State of Louisiana to mitigate the destruction of the Gulf of Mexico. Send more lawyers.

Lawyers, too, were involved in the latest example of blind leadership. The charges against a couple of Black Panther members who disrupted a voting center during the 2008 Presidential election were ordered dropped by Attorney General Eric Holder. You’ve all seen the footage. A “Panther” outside a local voting center waving a night stick and threatening folks on their way in to cast their vote. More footage of the same man urging people to kill “crackers” and their babies. Hard to imagine, isn’t it? The conviction was in place, just sentencing was due, and the entire case got dropped. Imagine a couple of White guys doing the same thing in a mostly Black neighborhood? Imagine, if you can, the field day the Press would have with that. Imagine the charges being dropped. There would be rioting in the streets.

I assume, as well, that this should open the door for some pretty colorful expressions of Free Speech outside voting booths this November. I’ll be yelling from the gun turret of a surplus tank over here in Milford. Should be no problem as far as I can tell. Folks should expect intimidation and threats of violence when they go to their local Middle School or Town Hall to vote, right? I mean…look at Iraq. Why should we be any different?

As though the economy wasn’t enough, and the social unrest that will accompany any further decline in it, Obama seems to breed chaos. It’s as though they want it. He has fueled the fire in Arizona instead of quelling it. The Black Panther situation is yet another signal from Washington that deep cultural change is the intent and if the shrinking number of Americans that still remember what this country is all about, and are not ashamed of it, don’t come out in force this November to stop this madness…well…we will all need a night stick, or worse, to go vote in 2012.

Karl Zahn

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2 Responses to “Wild Kingdom”

  1. Author

    Great posting…well said

  2. Author

    Thanks…but let’s face it…these folks make it easy.


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